Track in square bay window with vertical blinds
by Molly shaw

Here's some photos of my bay window. I would like to fit a track from the ceiling. Please note behind the track will be vertical blinds
I'd like the track to returns to the sides to cover the blinds

Thanks very much for your help
Hi Molly
Your new bay window curtain track needs to ceiling fix within the bay. However the track returns that come out of the bay on each side will wall fix.
You will need to measure all leading edges of your window sill. Then measure past the window about 15cm on each side. I have done a couple of diagrams to give you idea of where to measure and where your track will fit.
Measuring the leading edges of your window sill will mean your curtains need to be longer than the window sill. Maybe to just over the radiator or even floor length. Having your curtains hanging in this position will definitely ensure the curtains don't catch on your vertical blinds.

The A to B & E to F sizes need to be the end width of the sill plus 15cm past on to the wall. So the A to B & E to F measurements will probably be about 35 to 40cm

The top down view diagram above of your bay window shows the track sitting in front of the vertical blinds.
If you decide to order a new track for this bay window. Then to start with all you need to do is measure the total length you need your track to be. All the way from A to F. You can then use the calculator to work out how much your track will cost.
The calculator will also ask how many bends the curtain track will need. In your case this will be 4 bends in total. 2 bends in the bay. Then another 2 bends out of the bay on the returns.
Another option on the calculator is the bracket option. You will need to select the "Ceiling fix with wall fix on returns" option.
Then after you have made payment. You will receive an email with further details on how to measure. Plus access to the form where you will send me your sizes.
I think that covers everything...But if not please just ask.